One of the largest industrial enterprises in Poland, Eurocast Sp. z o.o., has decided to join a number of initiatives aimed at helping Ukrainian refugees safely wait out the time of anxiety. Eurocast has implemented actions supporting Ukrainians who flee the war, both on the organizational and material levels by cooperating with the local government and the local community, as well as on the staff level by offering jobs and employment.
Due to the increasing influx of refugees into Poland, Eurocast has established cooperation with the local government in Łęczyce. The Company has decided to support the activities of the commune authorities in organizing help points for Ukrainians reaching this area. Additionally, the created aid points can also count on financial aid from the Company.
Still, immediate financial assistance is not enough. In order to ensure access to work and professional development for people from Ukraine who plan to stay longer in the area, the Company also offers jobs in various specialist positions. The Eurocast team welcomes employees such as machine operators, forklift operators, as well as technical workers.
– The successive development of Eurocast allows us to react efficiently in situations requiring immediate intervention. Among other things, one such situation is related to the suffering of our eastern neighbours, forced to leave their homeland for reasons completely beyond their control. Therefore – apart from material support – we decided to get involved in helping also from another side, for example by helping to organize the reception and care of refugees or by providing jobs for individual positions – says Krzysztof Wiśniewski, President of Eurocast.
Contact regarding assistance for people coming from Ukraine:
tel. 58 676 51 00