As informs, only a year ago the prices of raw materials used for plastics production recorded an unprecedented fall. Now there is no trace of it, raw materials are more expensive than ever, and there is no end in sight for the upward trend… This is a serious problem for the entire plastics sector

Poland remains an important market for European plastics processing. Our share in the European plastics consumption is about 7.7%. The main sectors using plastic products are still the packaging industry and construction – they account for about 60% of the total plastics use. All this makes our companies particularly vulnerable to price fluctuations and they are seriously affected by them.
As Robert Rosicki CFO at Eurocast, points out: “The sharp drop in profitability this year is the direct result of galloping raw material prices, whose rate of growth was impossible to predict and subsequently to be reflected in the product prices. The same problem was faced by other processors operating on the plastics market, which is why profitability has declined across the entire industry.”,480060.html